A milestone 50,000 views

Today something has happened which I could never posibly imagined my blog has reached out to 50,000 views as someone who always struggled with writing and organising my thoughts and someone who isn’t the most confident of people socially blogging has been a way of me finding my voice both written and verbally. I’m waiting to wake up and think this is real. I get quite shy and embarrassed over things like this so I’m going to keep it quite short and sweet -never one to be centre of attention.

Writing this blog has never been about how many views it has or anything like that and the main aim has always been to help others. If this blog has helped one person who has been going through a difficult time, then it has all been worthwhile.

As many of you who regularly read my blogs will know the last few years for me have been a huge journey it’s had ups, downs, chaos and creativity. Even though some of the things which I was experiencing weren’t so great it made me so determined that the same wouldn’t happen to others and for them to feel like I did. It’s so important to me that there is awareness about things which are hidden to the eye, for people to know what dyspraxia is, that dyslexia is more than just reading and spelling  and it’s equally important to me that the positives of neurodiversity and that people are given the right help and understanding to achieve their potential whatever that might be in life.

Thank you so much if you have given my blog a read it honestly means the world to me, I am very lucky to have some amazing charities who regularly share my blogs and I’m so grateful for it and I feel so proud of myself. We are all different, and we all see the world in a slightly different way, embrace those differences and sprinkle kindness around there is never such thing as too much kindness.

You never know what might happen when you dare to be different and think outside the box. Anything is possible, never let anyone tell you you can’t! Smile 🙂

Lots of Love

Here’s a list of a few people who have been a huge support to me and write/ do incredible work to help others- you’re all so inspiring. Please have a look at the amazing work they do.

My incredible boyfiend Matt who I would never have had the confidence to write this blog without and my amazing best friend Jess who is running 10k with me on Sunday.
The incredible team at Dyspraxia Foundation who have done so much for me and my blogs:
The incredible team at British Dyslexia Association who are always so positive about my blogs
Dyslexia Action: http://www.dyslexiaaction.org.uk/
Anxiety United: http://www.anxietyunited.co.uk/
Natalie http://t.co/AkAwqmqQaB
Anna: https://t.co/fW1yPrummj
Claire: http://eclairscares.blogspot.co.uk/
Megan: https://www.justgiving.com/Megan-Stevens2
Hannah: https://t.co/Upt4kVEXcB
Krystal http://t.co/jelRHsAQl7
Julie and her team at Digitamworth http://dig-itam.weebly.com/
Monique’s amazing blogs about neurodiversity http://needtosay.weebly.com/
Dyslexia champion Sarah Chapman http://www.youngdyslexics.co.uk/
BDA young ambassador Olivia and her dad Tim Loder
The Codpast http://www.thecodpast.org/

It wouldn’t be a Rosie thank you blog without thanking the lady who has inspired me not to let anything hold me back in life, to the lovely Mollie King thank you.

One thought on “A milestone 50,000 views

  1. Just seen this Rosie! Congratulations on 50,000 views – that is amazing!
    As an avid reader of your blog I can say you definitely deserve it!
    Ps aww bless you with my shoutout :') Thankyou haha!! xxxx

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