Dyslexia Awareness Week 2016-Identifying Dyslexia

It’s come round to that time of year again where it’s dyslexia awareness week each year there is a theme, this years is  Identifying dyslexia. Some of you reading this blog will be thinking “But I’m not dyslexic, why should it matter to me?”

 Dyslexia matters to you, me, everyone out there, everyone at some point in their lifetime across all walks of life whether it be school, college, university, work will meet people who have dyslexia, when you watch your favourite TV show or listen to your favourite artist, there is a good chance one of them might be dyslexic too. As it is a hidden difference you never know who you might walk past in the street might be dyslexic or of course have any other hidden condition or struggle. At some point in life a dyslexic might help you for support in some shape or form maybe not just with reading or spelling but maybe with remembering instructions, directions, time keeping, general organisation of day to day life. You never know who is dyslexic so it’s so important to have an open mind and show a little bit of understanding and empathy. Understanding is a common theme of my blogs and I think it’s so vital. A little bit of understanding goes a long long way and can give someone a bit of a confidence boost no matter who they are.

There are so many people out there who are dyslexic and simply have no idea they are, they may feel like they are stupid, useless, that they have nothing to offer this world, crushed confidence and no self belief in themselves. Getting assessed and actually knowing if you are might be dyslexic is a huge issue at any stage of any individual’s personal dyslexic journey. It can also be a catalyst for change and give a sense of acceptance and understanding as to why your brain might be wired in a different way and you might approach tasks and life in general in a different way. It also allows someone to see what strengths that they can give and offer the world. Such as thinking outside of the box, empathy, determination,  seeing a different perspective at problem solving. 

Neurodiversity is such a wide umbrella of various differences and difficulties, often co-occuring and overlapping. For me even though I was identified as dyspraxic at a young age, I always knew there was something else there, why I found my studies so hard, why reading all the course information took me 10x longer than anyone else and why my spelling well we won’t even go there. After being made to drop qualified teacher status at university and experiencing ignorance, lack of understanding and bullying. It made my anxiety sky high, I felt depressed, stupid and hopeless and that I would never achieve anything and fell into a very negative cycle about myself.

I came across a member of a girl group who has been mentioned a few times over the years in this blog I read her story about dyslexia, I empathised and it gave me the courage to do something about it and in turn accept myself and the way my brain is wired more and I now help other students who learn differently as a learning support as a college. I still have a way to go managing my anxiety and feeling positive about myself but  I will always be so grateful to Mollie for speaking out in the media and raising dyslexia awareness and inspiring me in life. It’s so important that different ways of thinking and processing are talked about more, not just in education but in day to day life. By talking we help people not feel isolated, alone and that it’s not just them being them. We help people feel like they are a valuable member of society and can give something back. Wouldn’t the world be a boring place if we all saw the world in the same way. Make sure you come back to my blog next week for dyspraxia awareness week, let’s get the world knowing more about dyspraxia! Until then be kind to yourself and always remember you are never alone and you most defiantly are not stupid, nobody is perfect we all make mistakes don’t be so hard on yourself. Something I defiantly need to remind myself more of.

For more information about dyslexia and getting identified please check out Dyslexia Action British Dyslexia Association  or Helen Arkell 

Keep up-to-date on Social Media, please  follow me on Facebook  for more dyspraxia/dyslexia awareness 🙂

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